
Why not translate?

Yahoo News: 政府の世論調査: 外国人客増、5割強が「不安」GOJ survey: More than 50% fear NJ tourist influx

Johnny Says:
November 25th, 2008 at 7:27 pm

Obviously it’s not clear to the masses here that more tourists equals more money and more jobs for Japanese.

It does seem here that the government has once again asked a loaded question, and got the answer they wanted.

Actually, the article does say that 51% of the Japanese feel that the increase in gaijin tourists facilitates international communication/understanding, and 40% of the Japanese think that it activates the local economy.

It is just that Debito and Dave Spector do not want gai(koku)jin to know that aspect of the Japanese opinion.
They didn't translate the part and Debito didn't answer your comment.


“Japanese Only” at Tokyo Takadanobaba private-sector job placement agency


“Japanese Only” at Tokyo Takadanobaba private-sector job placement agency

((株)ワーカーズ 高田の馬場支店
I called the number on the sign and the guy said the agency deleted the message to the effect that ”People with foreign nationalities cannot register for our services.”

He apologized, saying it was wrong and misleading.

He explained that there were many occasions where the companies refused foreigners with little skill in Japanese,he mistakenly jumped to the conclusion and the posted it that way.

Nonetheless, he said they did in fact accept service to foreigner and there were some foreingers registered despite the message on the sign at the building.

He further said he would still inform the foreigners that there were many cases where they would be rejected because of the language skill,

I asked if he wanted to tell it to Debito org. He said that it didn't matter.


Mail address.

On Japan Probe, Kevin kindly told me how to abbreviate my mail address.


ponta_at_oocidentalism後八風どっと子どっと字絵ピ(it is ooc…before you ask me…
Comment by Kevin
2008-08-16 20:00:29

Ponta, your email abbreviation is getting more and more complicated. :) I recommend trying something less complicated like XYZ_be_yah_at_oo.co.jp (replace “_be_” with @, remove the “_at_”). This is still pretty cryptic but easy enough to understand for both English and Japanese speakers.
Your current abbreviation requires some pretty high level kanji recognition.


Mr Arudou, correction please.

Let me be brief.
Your post's title says:
A foreign journalist detained, deported in relation to the Summit.
The fact the link you provided says:

Mis. Susan George was safely admitted the entry before the noon after the interview for three hours.

(The article has changed the hours of the interviews from 3 to 4 in the new edition.)

Japan Times JUST BE CAUSE Column 5: July forecast: rough, with ID checks mainly in the north
A reporter friend also reported that registered NJ Summit journalists are being detained at the border and deported.

Wow your own link says
Last night (June 27), three Hong Kong citizen journalists who have been registered with the Citizens’ Media Center (Sapporo) were detained by Immigration, and were on the verge of being deported.

This morning, Susan George (ATTAC France) was stopped and questioned at the airport. Hi Blog. Forwarding from Ms Kimura Kayoko, freelance writer for online independent internet newspaper Nikkan Berita

It means they were not deported, isn't it?

On a tangential note, you might be interested in the groups this Nikkan Belita quote to support their article?

G8Action NetWork
G8Action netwok


yet Akihabara knife shop with “Japanese Only” sign up

Akihabara stabbing incident June 8, 2008–yet Akihabara knife shop with “Japanese Only” sign up
Mr Arudou, Just call the shop and ask what it means. Don't be Japanophobia
I did.
The shop answered very politely,
"it means the shop sells the goods to foreingers, but the foreigners carrying weapon will be checked at the airport and the weapon will taken away
by the authority.If someone tells the shop how to say it in English, the shop is willing to change the sign."

I am not sure the above is right translation. Mr Arudou, why don't you call the shop and tell it how to say it in English.
Even Mr Arudo, a long time resident in Japan, cannot write Japanese, and I am not sure the translation is right.

The shop is willing to receive the commment; you are not.


Voices surpressed on Debito org

Stevie Says:
May 29th, 2008 at 11:42 pm

Hello LB.

“Shodoman’s (and others’) claim that Japan’s legal system is not accountable and enables torture is, demonstrably, wrong.”

Could you demonstrate it for us please?

For some reason Mr Arudo blocked the following LB's respond

The Shibushi Jiken
Or just google "志布志事件", or 鹿児島事件(Kagoshima Jiken, 鹿児島選挙違反事件(Kagoshima Senkyo Ihan Jiken) or 鹿児島県議選買収事件(Kagoshima-ken Gisen Baishuu Jiken.

There is an entire blog devoted to the issue, with case stories of the
judiciary in various parts of the country penalizing the police or
prosecutors for overstepping their bounds:

For example, go to the archive for September 2007 and click on the first two stories that pop up.

These only took a few minutes to find, and I know for a fact there are more cases like these out there (unfortunately). The point is, the legal system does NOT give the police carte blanche to do whatever they want, and WILL pass a decision against them if they abuse their powers.
See the comment section

Instead Mr Arudo allowed the following comment.
45 Si Says:
May 31st, 2008 at 11:06 am

LB are you being deliberately obtuse? The very reason this site exists and contains a large number of people with a similar mindset to how Japanese treats its foreign guests should be sufficient to assert the assumption that Japan rarely plays nice when it comes to non-Japanese. I notice you quoted one or two cases where wrongly accused came to justice, and you are using that as a basis for an argument. Do you not think it is ridiculous to do so? Consider for a moment how many cases go unmissed, how much corruption there is in Japan, how the Japanese mindset will instantly shift all blame and guilt and tuck it away where it will be found years later, if it is even found at all.
Are you honestly under the impression that Japan is at all easy for foreigners to live without hassle and discrimination? Why do you bother even to post here?

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that its extremely likely our Japanese guy here wasn’t thinking straight because foreigners are not people. In all my years of living in Japan I have seen ’stupid’ actions comitted by Japanese towards foreigners because they do not think we are the same as Japanese people. I imagine the person who planted it was unable to comprehend he was doing anything wrong because it was “only gaijin” - and not in a malicious way but simply in an oblivious one.

“…Japan’s legal system is not accountable and enables torture is, demonstrably, wrong.”

Yeah, I think you are just trolling for attention now…

Mr Arudou's moderation policy seems clear. But I leave the judgement to the readership.

BTW in this regard it might be amazing to note Mr Arudo's what seems to be hysterical ressponse to HO on another post.
5 Mark in Yayoi Says:
May 29th, 2008 at 6:43 pm

HO, very helpful post!

Amir, have you made retroactive contributions for your preiod as a student? How are they calculated (if you have no income)? I’d like to do this as I was here as a student for half a year, and then worked for a company for one year, without participating in the plan. Since I’ll need to collect this in my old age.

And does anyone know which countries now have bilateral pension treaties with Japan? My company tells me that the US now does, so I don’t have to worry about losing all my contributions if I move back there.

May 30th, 2008 at 2:38 pm

Mark, this page might help you.

–HO, you’re doing it again. Stoppit. Stop just sending us links without telling the rest of us what they’re for.

Well, the link is written in English.


To tornadoes28 on Debito org

tornadoes28 Says:
May 28th, 2008 at 12:02 am
The article only states that the customs officials asked for it to be returned if found? If this happened in the US, the article would always state that officials are conducting an investigation into what happened or are taking measures to prevent it from happeneing or even that they will discontinue this type of exercise.

Apparantly not in Japan. the only statement from customs is “please return it”.

Let me answer your question. And since he blocks my comment, I'll write it here.

Customs lose hash stash planted in traveler's luggage to train sniffer dogs

NARITA -- Customs officials have lost 124 grams of hashish they planted in an unknowing traveler's luggage to train drug sniffing dogs, the head of Narita Customs said Monday.

Customs officials are banned from using travelers' luggage for training practices, but one worker said it was common practice.

"We want to improve the sniffer dogs' ability, so we have practiced this way several times in the past," the official said on condition of anonymity.

Manpei Tanaka, head of Customs' Narita branch, apologized for the incident.

"It's extremely regrettable that we have invited this sort of situation on ourselves. We will investigate the facts behind the case, provide thorough training and deal strictly with those involved," Tanaka said.

Customs said the hash was stored in a metal container stuffed into the pocket of a soft, black suitcase belonging to one of 283 passengers traveling on Cathay Pacific Flight 520 from Hong Kong to Narita, which arrived at 3:31 p.m. on Sunday. The owner of the suitcase is unknown and passengers were not informed that their luggage would be used to train the drug-seeking dogs.

Customs officials said four customs officials had two sniffer dogs working a luggage conveyor at Narita, but neither was able to find the drugs. Police are asking passengers on the flight about the missing drugs.

Customs regulations require customs officials to prepare luggage for training exercises like the one carried out on Sunday and specifically ban travelers' baggage from being used.(Mainichi Japan) May 26, 2008

Does that answer your question?
(If you feel this is not specified enough, give me some examples from the U.S.articles which will answer your question.)

Actually if you can read Japanese, and if you look at LB's post, I suppose you didn't ask these questions, because they have answered your question.
Mr Arudou, for some reason, didn't translate them for you despite your question.

I am a bit surprised that somebody read Mr Arudou's articles at face value and I am a bit disappointed that somebody jumps to the conclusion based on Mr Arudos post alone.

What this customs official did was unforgivable.

But I am inclined to agree with LB, I wonder how Mr Arudou's conspiracy theory holds.
Notice Mr Arudou wrote his article based on CNN's article alone. The CNN article does not mention Cathay Pacific Flight.In other words, the CNN article does not give any clue as for whether the custom officer intentionally chose foreigner's suitcase. And yet he concluded the custom officers used foreigners as Guinea Pig . It was purely his speculation.
Now later it turned out the flight was Cathay Pacific. Does it follow that passengers were foreigners? Sure there might be foreigners, but I guess a Cathay Pacific flight from and to Tokyo is also filled with Japanese businessmen.
So far there is no reasonable ground to infer that the customs officer intentionally selected a foreigner's bag.
So Mr Arudou has drawn his conclusion based on his bias.

Mark in Yayoi says
Baggage usually has a label on it indicating the owner.

But if the he knew the label, it must have been much easier to find out the passenger. But the fact is that Tokyo customs office got contact with 283 passenger who were on board to find out the luggage.(ANN News on Japan probe(Incidentally notice nobody holds the conspiracy theory on Japan Probe))

Mark in yayoi also says
It’s inconceivable that the customs official didn’t have some idea that their free training dummy was non-Japanese.

It's inconceivable either that the customs official didn't have some idea that their free training dummy was Japanese.Because there must have been many passengers, Japanese and non-Japanese. Rather it is most likely he didn't think of nationality when he put a bag of marijuana in the luggage.

Is itcommon practice in USA that a customs official set a foreigner up by putting a bag of marijuana in a suitcase? Is that why they hold such a conspiracy theory?


Mr Arudou, is it another liar? why?

33 Rob Johnson
December 17th, 2007 at 12:54 am

I’m the director of the foreign language division in the Minato Board Of Education.I’ve followed this story with great dismay and will report this situation to all of the PTA presidents for each elementary and junior high school in Minato-ku.

 Mr Arudou, do you remember the Ballet school you accused of as "no foreigner"  Ballet school in Azabu,? ---you had people blame the school by e-mails and later after it turned out it accepted foreign students but rejected the foreign girl because the class was full, you changed the title without notice to the unproblematic one, but still boasted of " STARING DOWN AN EXCLUSIONARY BALLET SCHOOL IN TOKYO. Yep, that post, do you remember?
I want to point out another liar in your comment section.

 Mypost about another error on your blog, which you have blocked, was honored to be linked by a blog. It reminded me of the comment above.
A Japanese person who felt fishy about the comment checked if there was such a division and such a person with the Minato board of Education. The answer was no.
I have also checked the site
and called the Minato board of Education and confirmed there was no such division as he mentioned. And the staffs of the division related to international students were Japanese.

Mr. Arudou, Why do you approve of the liar's comments but reject the comments revealing their lies?
And why does your blog have people who pretend to be the person concerned himself ,telling lies while supporting your posts? This is not the first time, isn't it?

Or is Rob Johnson for real? You are supposed to have his e-mail address, and you can also call Minato board of Education to check. It IS easy.

Anyway, if you start accepting my comments, let me know. You have my e-mail address, and you can write down on my blog here.

It is ironical your blog is exclusioary.
(How many times have you rejected Japanese comments?)
:The comment has been blocked


A letter to the publisher of THE EAST

Debito org
I have seen your comment on Debito org.
His blog is notorious for its inaccuracy and suppressing opposing opinions.
Check the following articles and the comment sections.
I have been protesting Mr. Arudou to check the facts when he publishes articles.
My comments has been blocked.
In an extreme case, the human right of the alleged rape victim was violated by his blog, but he has never issued an apology.
Please check the authenticity of his information on his blog and publish his articles at your own risk.


Mr Arudou, "the Japanese police System Today" tells a different story

Arudou Debito
:The comment has been blocked

Oliver Says
April 17th, 2008 at 9:14 am

Mark, I think you are right about policemen having no foreign friends. I wonder how often they make a trip abroad, or even a bit further away. A few years ago I read “The Japanese Police System Today” by L. Craig Parker (M E Sharpe, 2001), and the author knew the chief of the Okayama Prefecture's Police quite well - and what I remember is, that this police chief was not even allowed to leave Okayama Prefecture in his free time! (Sorry, I don’t have the book here now, so cannot give page numbers.)
So if the police bosses cannot even travel through Japan, how should they get to know even foreign countries?

Mr. I went to the library and borrowed the book for you. I checked the pages the author mentioned Okayama. Yes the author knows the chief of the Okayama Prefectural Police quite well. But the story is completely different from the one Debito's fans would have people believe. Let me cite some:
Okayama Prefecture, in the western part of Japan, is around five hundred miles below Tokyo and was chosen for research in par because of the author's friendship with a former chief of the Okayama Prefecture Police. The friend, an NPA senior superintendent, had been chief in Okayama for two years in the late 1990's, but had been reassigned on normal rotating basis to a new assignment as the director of public security in Tokyo. This was one of several assignments he had taken during his career when he was "on loan" to another agency--in this case the Ministry of Justice .page 105

There is no mention that he was not allowed to leave Okayama.(That is the stupidest things I've ever heard.)
Mr. have you really read the book? On page 111, the author talks about his interpreter from prefectural headquarter in Okayama
He was a classical music buff and he performed in a major chorea group. He lamented the fact that he had missed an opportunity, because of a police assignment, to perform with his chorale at Carnegie Hall in New York city. ...His career had required him to visit the United States on a number of occasions to coordinate with the FBI and various American police forces on international criminal investigations.

The author ends up the section about Okayama by saying
During the visit to the Okayama region an incident occurred to the author that reflects one of the memorable features of Japanese people that get replayed thousands of times annually for the benefit of gaijin or visitors. Having stopped for a brief lunch on a twenty-mile bike tour of the surrounding countryside, I pulled out a map at my table to try to locate my position. I asked for the assistance of young Japanese man in his twenties at the adjacent table. ....He not only offered assistance, but dashed to his car to get a more detailed map of his own so he could draw a clear map of my route. I thanked him, and we both headed out onto the road. After I had been biking a mile or so he drove up beside me and stopped He apologized for having made a mistake on one of the turns he had drawn on the map and wanted to set me straight. This Japanese penchant for being helpful is very widespread....(page 120)

It is not about the Police system but it gives a totally different perspects of Japan from the one Debito's fans enjoy
Now as for the Police System, the author says in "Conclusion" on page 237
Despite the blemishes of the record of the Japanese police in the late 1990's, I continue to hold the policy agency in high regard. No system in the world
is without its flaws, and while the National Police Agency and its sister prefectural police agencies may have let their guard down, I expect that the handful of police abuses and blunders will be corrected. I do not believe that these abuses and missteps , regardless of their widespread, well-publicized notoriety, are symptomatic systemic breakdown In general throughout my writing I have both explicitly and implicitly made clear my high regard for both the police system itself and its parallel criminal justice institutions. They will regain the confidence of the Japanese public over time.(page 237)

And the author goes on pointing out the lessons that the United States can learn from Japanese police sytem.

I don't agree with everything the author says, but he is fair.

Do you want me to check the U.S. police's abuse and missteps? I am asking this because if Japanese police system,--- though I agree there are defects in it----is the fascist Disney land as Debito's fans claim, which state's police system is not fascist Disney land?

Is every police sytsem around the world Fascist Disney land?---are Debito's fans a cult member?
What do you guys think you can do to change Japan for the better?・・・・・by misquoting? by covering up the facts? by misinterpreting, by misrepenting, by blocking comments? by blocking the offer to help, by rejecting a dialgue, by suppressing the truth?
Just want to insult Japan? Just want to let steam out?


Responses from HT&Osaka gov. Mr Arudou, Is HiraganaTimes' Stroy true?

Arudo Debtio

Damian Says:
April 22nd, 2008 at 12:59 am
I’m sure there are people that will claim there’s only one point of view being reported here
I agree.
there are 3 sides to every story-your side, my side, and the truth,” where the truth lies somewhere in the middle, you’ve got to admit the truth to this story is pretty unconscionable
Does that mean if one says Jim M is a liar, and another says Jim M is not a liar, he is half a liar? I don't understand it.

Now, if James' story above were true, it would be a serious crime by the police. What we should do as a law-abiding Japanese citizen is

(1) To check if this story is true. And if it is true,
(2) To help James to file a formal complaint.

I've offered the help but Mr Arudo has blocked it.

I've checked with Hiragana Times and Osaka Prefectural Government’s Human Rights department.
I've got the responses.
Osaka human right department
メールで頂いた件について、回答させていただきます。相談の事実について調査し、また当時の担当者にも確認した ところ大阪府には、このような相談はありませんでした。 大阪府政策企画部人権室

This is the response concerning the matter you asked by the mail. We have investigated the matter and we have checked the officer in charge at the time, but it turned out that there was no such claim as it was cited. Osaka prefecture policy-planning human right department Osaka Jinken
(My letter included the address of this post)

Hiragana Times

As for the matter you are asking about, we hear that the matter has been settled among the people concerned. Hiragana Times
When asked if Hiragana Times confirmed the fact, Hiragana Times wrote,
Let us refrain from commenting. Please understand.
Hiragana Times does not want to answer. Anybody can e-mail them and ask them. I've linked to their e-mail address.

We don't know who "Jim M" linked to Debito's site is, but at least James in the article wrote,
the couple has reported the events to the American Consulate, Amnesty International, the United Nations and the Osaka Prefectural Government’s Human Rights department, all of which are monitoring and investigating the case

If this is true, there must be the result of the investigation. So far our checking points to the direction that this story is untrue, or this story is not entirely true.

I don't see why James cannot submit the result of the investigation by the American Consulate, Amnesty International if his story is true.

Jim M, if you are James in the article, please submit the report by them so that we may help you.

Mr Arudou, Let's check the fact first, don't jump to the conclusion. That is the first thing we should do if we want to help James and help Japanese society better. Don't you think so, Mr Arudou?

If you don't care about the truth, about resolving the problem, but you just want to gain reputation by making up story, covering up the facts, that will be another story though. (See Mr Macgovern and Mr Ibdor's cases in this post)
The comment has been blocked

Arudou Debito・Arudou Debito・Arudou Debito
Hiragana Times ・Hiragana Times・Hiragana Times

For another vide in which he banned me, see this post


2008/04/22 Arudou Debito banned a Japanese citizen, Ponta

In other words, he banned me.

See the comments by various people he has blocked.

As you can see from the archive, Mr Arudou has been blocking my comments on his blog, but as you can see on the video, Mr Arudo banned Japanese like me on his blog. I commentted and clicked "submit comment" and the comment just disappears.
I don't know why he is doing this because I'll keep commenting about his blog just as ever, and I am proposing him to discuss the matter in a public forum. If you find something inappropriate with my posts on this blog, be kind enough to point it out. I'll change my style. And Mr Arudou, if you are reading this, let me make it clear again that I am willing to talk, I am willing to change my style. It is Mr Arudou Debito who bans Japanese like me without giving any reasons. Anyway the following is the comment I was going to write on his blog. http://www.debito.org/index.php/?p=1639 http://s03.megalodon.jp/2008-0422-1343-50/www.debito.org/index.php/?p=1639 Mr Arudou. Let me protest one thing.
Otherwise, Japan will remain amongst its G8 brethren, as scholar Chalmers Johnson put it, “an economic giant, but political pygmy.”
It seems obvious in this context that the "pygmy" is used in a pejorative sense.
pygmy noun (pl. pygmies) 1 a member of certain peoples of very short stature in equatorial Africa. 2 chiefly derogatory a very small person or thing. 3 a person who is deficient in a particular respect: intellectual pygmies. • adjective very small; dwarf. — ORIGIN Greek pugmaios ‘dwarf’, from pugme ‘the length measured from elbow to knuckles’.
I think this is insulting to African people. This is not the first time you have approved the statement insulting to them.link

Do you have no intention to correct them again? Deep down do you hold the despise on Asian and African people?

It seems that there is idiomatic usage in English.

Pygmy, Pigmy Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a member of one of several groups of very small people who live in central Africa:
Pygmies average about 1.5 metres in height.

2 DISAPPROVING someone who is not important or who has little skill:
a political pygmy
an intellectual pygmy

But I hold this usage is politically wrong.

2008/04/22 Trans-Pacific Radio

Trans-Pacific Radio/Trans-Pacific Radio/Trans-Pacific Radio


Thank you for allowing my comment to appear on your blog unlike Mr Arudo's.
I really appreciate it.

But for some reason, the link to my blog have been deleted like Mr Arudo's http://pontasmemorandum.blogspot.com/2008/04/20080419arudou-debito_19.html

As can be seen on the record above, Handle is supposed to link to my blog, And in the comment below, I also included address of my blog.

Please feel free to comment on my blog.
I welcome different perspectives.
There is no pornographic content on my blog: almost all of them are the comments Mr Arudou has blocked.

If something is inappropriate with the content of my blog, please point it out.
I would really like to know it. I am asking Mr Arudou to tell me the reasons why he rejects a Japanese like me, and I am proposing to have a further discussion in a public forum again and again,but the only words he gave me was, in response to the comment blaming me ,

–Thanks very much. And to answer your first question, I don’t mind you replying. I wish more people would, to pedants and willful obfuscators like “Ponta”, whoever he is…I

By the way I responded to the comment, calling for a further discussion,
Mr Arudou blocked again.

Let's start a fair discussion between J and NJ.

Comment by ponta

April 21, 2008 @ 9:22 pm

On the whole I agree; the police should examine thoroughly if the man convicted might be a a serial killer or not.

However, there are small points I want to point out.

so when the police failed to force a confession out of him, they effectively had zero evidence to pursue the charge with. Instead he did three and a half years in the detention center for dismembering and abandoning a body.

Are you sure the police didn’t get the confession?
In trials it is not entirely uncommon that the accused either confesses or is tricked to confess, but he/she denies it at the court.
Besides, there are cases where the prosecutors go with the charge of murder without confession and the court find him guilty.
When the evidences are sufficient beyond doubt for murder, He is convicted of murder.
When the evidences are not sufficient beyond doubt for murder but sufficient for the destruction of corpse, he is convicted of the destruction of the corpse. This is often the case with the murder where after one killed the victim, another was asked to dispose of the corpse. The latter has no intention of killing and there is no fact that he committed the muder, so he cannot be convicted of murder but he committed another crime.

By the way in case of Mr Ibudor, he confessed in the investigative process that he poked his finger into the genitals of the alleged victim and it seems he didn’t deny it at the court according to the court text Mr Arudo publicized later.
Mr Idbor and Mr Arudo kept the confession hidden until pointed out. He now claims he was tricked on the letters he recently has publicized on Mr Arudou’s blog. I am not saying Mr Ibdour is guilty;I don’t know whether Mr Ibduor raped the alleged victims just as I don’t know if Nozaki killed the first victim. But I am suggesting the people concerned to give full explanation so that people may reach the truth. Rather than trying to hide the fact that is disadvantagious to the accused, I think it is much better to give the people concerned a chance to give full explanation. And to give full and fair explanation, you need to respond to different perspectives. Supressing them does not help.
I asked Mr Ibdor and his wife to speak out on my blog(http://pontasmemorandum.blogspot.com/)
Japan Probe or TPR in the comment but unfortunately Mr Arudou blocked it. Please inform his wife that he and his wife are given a full opportunity to explain it on my blog, or TPR.
I am telling this here because it is such an important matter

And now he’s killed again.

On the reasons given above I refrain from concluding he killed again. Even court couldn’t find the sufficient evidence. With less evidences available to us, what can we say?

There is a reason to think he had killed another woman, because it seems to be certain that he killed the woman this time.
But as you might know, this kind of inference is prohibited and therefore the evidence related to his past crime is prohibited from being brought in the court as a rule because that might give undue bias against the accused—-say, Tom committed a theft in the past, it does not follow that he committed the theft this time, but people mistakenly tend to think just because he committed it in the past he must have committed it again.
Of course there are exceptions to the rule, though. I am sure the U.S, evidential law has similar rules.

I agree that the police needs thorough profiling and recordings about the criminals so that we may arrest the killer and prevent him/her from committing another crime.
At the same time I understand the judge’s dilemma.
On the one hand he/she can’t take a risk of a false accusation and should stick with the principle that innocent until proved beyond doubt but on the other hand, still the accused might turn out to be a serial killer in the end.
Ono’s trial is a case in point.
Ono was found guilty at the lower court but the higher
court reversed it on the ground that the confession was judeged as coerced. But five years later Ono committed another murder. It is most probable, according to your difinition, that he was a serial killer.

Trans-Pacific Radio/Trans-Pacific Radio/Trans-Pacific Radio


2008/04/21 (3) Arudou/Debito

The comment has been blocked

1. ponta Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
April 21st, 2008 at 6:02 pm

I love the review, Mr Arudou, especially the following parts.

we are cautioned against the “victim complex” sometimes cultivated locally by foreign residents, longtime or not.

” Discrimination is action based on prejudice

What is important is to put your words into practice.

When you caution others not to fall prey to the victim complex, you should not fall prey to it.
When you caution others not to act on prejudice, you should not act on prejudice.

Great wisdom, you and I should apply it to ourselves, right?

4月21日(2) To MR E.P Lowe・Arudou Debito 

Mr E.P Lowe
If you are reading this blog, please comment on this blog.
Contrary to what you say about me, I am not against people criticizing Japan.
I welcome it.
Keep in mind, I won't suppress your comments, however much you speak aganint me,however much you call names about me.

What I am against is suprressing the comments, surpressing truth, while allowing a hate speech as Mr Arudo Debito does on his blog.

Please feel free to comment. I wholeheartedly welcome it.
Let's begin discussions between J and NJ.
Who do you think is stopping it?
Thank you.

The comment has been blocked


Audou Debito/Arudou Debito/Audou Debito

# ponta Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
April 21st, 2008 at 3:36 pm

E.P Lowe
Thanks for responding.

In the UK having knowledge of where someone’s corpse is located is a pretty strong link in a murder/manslaughter case.

But that does not means the one who has knowledge killed the victim in the U.K.,isn’t it?

The defendant is tricked into signing papers. He is given his day in court - but is expected to be capable of communicating in Japanese.

The accuser was aided by Japanese lawyer and I am sure he was aided by an interpreter.
So I asked him and his wife to speak out on this point, but Mr Arudo blocked the comments.

However, in the last part of your quote above you seem to imply that Mr Arudou curses Japanese people. This I have never observed.

This I am happy to disagree.

I think you’d just like it if we all shut up, stopped drawing attention to the shameful things that Japanese society tolerates and went away. That is bullshit!

Hmm I totally disagree. You guys have every right to criticize Japanese society.
What I am saying is that Mr Arudou keeping covering up the facts, and keep suppressing the comments. You just don’t know because he suppress the comments trying to tell the truth..

Mr Arudou, let them see my blog so that they can see the comments you blocked.


E.P Lowe You can comment on my blog. I welcome you.

Arudou Debito・Arudou Debito

Arudou Debito・Arudou Debito・

Arudou Debito Arudou Debito 

Arudou Debito Arudou Debito 

E.P Lowe/E.P Lowe/E.P Lowe/E.P Lowe/E.P Lowe/E.P Lowe

2008/04/21 Arudou Debito

Arudou Debito

The comment has been blocked

# Marc Says:
April 21st, 2008 at 8:54 am

Another example of how a crime by a Japanese against an NJ can get suppressed by the police and media:

Video news in Nihongo


This is the text version of it.


The story basically says the cops got a call from a 52 year old woman who said her husband stabbed her in the chest. She is hospitalized in serious condition. The husband jumped from the 27th floor window of their condo and ended up dead. The guy was a 58 year old, unemployed man named Iizuka Yukio. His wife’s name is withheld in the article. She usually goes by another name than Iizuka, and that name is Marian J. Okada and is a civilian employee of the US military.


2 ponta Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
April 21st, 2008 at 12:08 pm

Talking of the suppression, here are comments Mr Arudou suppressed.

Getting back to your comment, I don’t see how your example shows the police and media suppressed a crime by a Japanese
against NJ.
It is reported as you linked.
I am not sure whether the victim is Marian J. Okada and whether she is Japanese or not.
But does it matter?

Arudou Debito/Arudou Debito/Arudou Debito/Arudou Debito


2008/04/20 ARUDOU DEBITO

The comment has been blocked


1. ponta Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
April 20th, 2008 at 7:42 pm

Mr Arudou,
I think there are several problems with your post.

(A) Are you sure the police has decided to drop the case?
There are many cases where the prosecutors unfairly didn’t pursue the case. For instance, Katayama syun-chan’s is the case in point.
What his parents did is useful in this case too.
(1)Let the media pay attention to the case. Since Mr Barakan is a TV Tarento, it must be much easier.
(2)Appeal to Kensatsu-sinsakai an examining committee of prosecution.

This might be case of injustice on the part of the police and prosecutor, but I don’t see how it is connected to your claim.

(B)I don’t follow your logic that the cases your picked up might go to prove that nationality doest matter.

An Australian woman raped by is fighting for women, in particular Japanese women, against J Police which she claims have a prejudice against victims and probably against the agreement between Japan and the U.S about the status of a US service man accused of a civilian criminal offense.
She is not turning the case into the case of a discrimination between J and NJ as you do.

Mr Idubor’s case in a way prove that J police ” don’t feel any obligation to the victims”. It took some months for the police to investigate the case since the alleged victim officially filed a complaint to the police.
But that does not show nationality mattered.

(By the way in one case, J court said Australian woman was in fact raped, you believe the alleged victim was in fact raped, in another case J court said Japanese woman was in fact raped, you don’t believe her, why?)

And you keep saying there is no evidence in Idbuor’s case, but that is not true. Evidences includes testimonies, the accused and the accuser’s included. In case of Idbors case, there are several testimonies including Mr Idbuor’s statement to the effect he poked his finger into her genitals in the car but he didn’t go so far as to have sex with her. (the fact, for some reason, you and Mr Idbor kept it hidden until pointed out).

And in general in case of rape there is little physical evidence. What would happen three days later after the victim was raped, she decided to go to the police? Since there is no physical evidence, there was no rape? No, testimonies together with circumstantial evidences will prove beyond doubt that the rape has happened. So it is not correct to emphasize that there was no physical evidence in case of rape.

The Valentine Case might or might not be case of the police injustice.
But the reason for making it the case of racism is weak.
You seem to reason that since the witness was black, he was dismissed, but the judges dismiss him on page 19 of their decision because the judge concluded that his testimony was unreliable;for,

(1)He was not sure of the number of police men who arrested the accused.
(2)He was ambiguous about how the accused fell down.
(3)He stated the contradictory fact as to the a signboard,
(4)He was acquainted (面識)with the accused.

Now you only cite (4) in your blog and you suspect and have your reader who can only read English suspect that (4) is unreasonable because the judge cites a black community at shinjuku.
They know each other among the black community. But notice it could be also geek community at Shinjuku. here “black” and “geek” is mentioned to identify the community, not as a ground for unreliability.

So, though I think this case might be the case of the police injustice, but I don’t see how it can be the case of racism.

I don’t see how Lucie Blackman’s case will prove your point.
Japanese police and J prosecutor says they have sufficient evidences, the defendant said no. The court found the the defendant reasonable in this point. What different standard was used for what reason? How can it be the case of undue discrimination between J and NJ. By the way it is well known fact that Obara is a naturalized Japanese like you; he is a Korean-Japanese. Does it make difference on your account?

On the whole, if your claim is that there may be some injustice going on on on the part of the police and the prosecutors in Japan just as in, for instance, the U.S. and they should be changed, I agree, and probably many Japanese and other people will agree.
But when you turn every case you picked up into the case of racism, I have no choice but to take it with grain of a salt.


Osayuwamen “Yuyu” Idubor/Osayuwamen “Yuyu” Idubor/Osayuwamen “Yuyu” Idubor


Peter Barakan/Peter Barakan/Peter Barakan/Peter Barakan/Peter Barakan

ピーター バラカンさん/ピーター バラカンさん/ピーター バラカンさん


2008/04/19(2) Arudou Debito


Mr Arudou has publicized the comment.

Thanks Mr Arudou, I really appreciate. Let's start open and fair discussion!!!


Mr Arudou, let's check the facts before you jump to the conclusion.
Last time,Nozaki was found guilty for the destruction of Corpse.


Article 190. (Destruction of Corpses)
A person who damages, abandons or unlawfully possesses a corpse, the ashes or
hair of a dead person, or an object placed in a coffin shall be punished by
imprisonment with work for not more than 3 years.

We don't know and the court does not know he killed the woman, but we know and the court knows he committed the destruction of Corpse.
Why do you know he killed the woman? because Nozaki is Japanese?

He was sentenced three years and 6 months in prison, but the maximum penalty for the crime is 3 years in prison. So he must also have been charged with another crime.

I am sure Nozaki will be charged with murder this time, considering the evidences we have.

Now Mr Idubor's charge was quasi-rape.
Article 177 (Rape)
A person who, through assault or intimidation, forcibly commits sexual intercourse
with a female of not less than thirteen years of age commits the crime of rape and
shall be punished by imprisonment with work for a definite term of not less than 3
years. The same shall apply to a person who commits sexual intercourse with a
female under thirteen years of age.
Article 178. (Quasi Forcible Indecency; Quasi Rape)
(1) A person who commits an indecent act upon a male or female by taking
advantage of loss of consciousness or inability to resist, or by causing a loss of
consciousness or inability to resist, shall be punished in the same manner as
prescribed for in Article 176.
(2) A person who commits sexual intercourse with a female by taking advantage of a
loss of consciousness or inability to resist, or by causing a loss of consciousness or inability to resist, shall be punished in the same matter as prescribed in the
preceding Article.

According to the court text, Mr Ibudor admitted he molested the woman, the fact that you and Mr Ibudor have been covering up unitl pointed out. Mr Idubor now claims that the police made the document up, but as far as the court text goes, he didn't deny it at the court. Mr Arudou has rejected the request to give his wife and sister a chance to explain whether he denied it at the court and/or why he didn't deny it at the court..

Mr Ibudor was sentenced three years in prison now he is appealing to the higher court.

I hope you give him and his wife and sister to give full explanation in other blogs.

As for the media report, Nozaki's case is reported pretty widely in Japan.



* お台場バラバラ事件に湾岸署出動!!「肉片抱えた男」姿消す
* 「踊る大捜査線」の北村さんが一日署長 東京湾岸署
* 台場の比人女性切断遺体 別の男も関与か
* お台場マンション切断遺体 3日夕方以降に死亡か
* お台場のマンションでバラバラ遺体 20代のフィリピン人女性か 偽装結婚でトラブル?
* お台場のマンションに女性の遺体の一部発見? 居住者のフィリピン人女性か

4月14日 死体損壊:被害者の比女性、死因は首を絞められ窒息死
4月11日 死体損壊:運河で比人女性とみられる頭部を発見写真付き記事
4月8日 死体損壊:女性と家賃分担巡りトラブル 野崎容疑者
4月7日 死体損壊:女性切断の疑いで同居の男を逮捕 東京・台場写真付き記事
4月5日 死体損壊:被害者は女性 東京・台場の切断遺体
4月4日 死体損壊:男が肉片抱え持つ 東京・台場のマンション写真付き記事
死体損壊:東京・台場のマンションに肉片、比女性の遺体か 同居人姿消す


And in the video, the reporter interviewed the vicitm's mother. The victim's mother said she thought Japan was a safe place.

Do you know Japanese woman was killed in Philippine recently?





There is only one article about this murder in Japanese media. Do you think it is unfair?
Do you think we should make a fuss about it, cursing the Philippines, Philippine judicial system, Filipinos as you do to Japan?

I am not sure what would have happened if the victim was an American.

Was it unfair of Japanese media to ask for imformation for a missing American woman in Hokkaido when Japanese media do not usually ask imformation for a missing Japanese?
Japan probe reported it http://www.japanprobe.com/?p=4304
but you didn't though you live in Hokkaido and you claim to be helping foreingers in Japan. You want to be that fair?

We know when the victim was Britain, there was sensational reports about it in Japan and in England.
Not every murder in Japan where the victim is Japanese is covered in Japanese media.
Do you think Japanese media should sensationalize every incident of murder?

Mr Arudou, let's find the truth, or just try. Let's be fair. Let's not suppress the speech, let's not suppress the truth. Let's not be bullshit.

Arudou Debito/Arudou Debito

2008/04/19 Arudou Debito

The comment has been blocked


Arudou Debito.Arudou Debito
Osayuwamen “Yuyu” Idubor/Osayuwamen “Yuyu” Idubor

3 Croyboy Says:
April 18th, 2008 at 8:02 pm

Hey, come on people: the guy’s a gaijin and black: must be guilty!

4 ponta Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
April 19th, 2008 at 1:57 am

3 Croyboy Says:
April 18th, 2008 at 8:02 pm

Hey, come on people: the guy’s a gaijin and black: must be guilty!

That’s your prejudice. I can’t believe Mr Arudou publishes this comment.
The Japanese don’t share your bias. And if you want to claim that the Japanese share it, you need to prove it.
Otherwise you are just another racist,

Now this blog is getting filled with more and more hatred.

Can I suppose this blog represents the views of foreingers in Japan?
I hope not.


2008年4月18日(3) Arudou Debito


The comment has been blocked

19 ponta Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
April 18th, 2008 at 9:46 pm

Jim M
Please contact me if you are James on the article.
I’ll help you out. Let’s find out the truth. I’ll be fair, I’ll promise.
I clicked your handle but Debito’s site has just come out. You are not Debito in disguise, aren’t you?

2008/04/18(2) Arudo Debito/ Mr Idubor's case

The comment has been blocked
Arudou Debtio/Osayuwamen “Yuyu” Idubor

1. Tkyosam Says:
April 18th, 2008 at 3:07 pm

The guys case, at least the way he presents it in the letter sounds “logical” when describing what happened.

But does this really matter in the court system in Japan?

I mean, come on, isn’t the Japanese unwritten policy with foreigners “Guilty until convicted”?

2. ponta Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
April 18th, 2008 at 5:41 pm


The guys case, at least the way the court presents it in the court text sounds “logical” when describing what happened.

But does this really matter in Debito’s blog?

I mean, come on, isn’t the Debito’s unwritten policy with Japan “Guilty no matter what”?

2008/04/18 Arudou Debito Mr Idubor’s case


Arudo Debito Idubor/ Osayuwamen “Yuyu” Idubor

The comment has been blocked

Mr Idubor
Mr Arudou's blog is infamous for deleting the comments that are inconvinient for his agenda.
Rather than saving human rights, it is known as Japn bashing blog and it is only used as a means to make him a hero among English speaking people.
In fact, he has blocked the comments that are disadavantageous for you and he has violated the accuser's right by publicizing her real name, which, wisely enough you have protected.
Many people think Mr Arudou is doing for this not because you are innocent, but because it makes him easier to bash Japan. You see, the comments he has allowed to appear are filled with the hatred toward Japan.

He is depriving you of your right to explain by hiding the facts that are inconvinient to you.
Let your wife comment on my blog if you want to publicize the truth. I'll delete neither sides of the claims.
If you have any doubt on my intention, I suggest you to ask TPR or Japan Probe for help.
IF the truth does not serve you and Mr Arudou good , that will be another story, though.

The comment has been blocked
Osayuwamen “Yuyu” Idubor・
Osayuwamen “Yuyu” Idubor
Osayuwamen “Yuyu” Idubor


2008/04/17(2) Arudou Debito

Arudou Debito
The comment has been blocked
Mr Arudou, it is good to speak out, but I am disillusioned by your attitutde that you don't even try to examine the truth nor solve the problem.
I am asking you to contact with the lawyer's accociation and I am offering a help.

2008/04/17 Arudou Debito

Arudou Debito
If the story is true, that means the police has violated every rule of criminal procedure and committed crimes;this will be a sensational news in Japanese media.
Immidiately contact with Japan lawyer's association. If Mr Debito didn't do it, I would. Let me know the phone # of James.

The comment has been blocked


2008/04/15(2) Arudou Debito

Arudou Debito

The comment has been blocked
So Mr Arudou, who is often mistaken for gaikokujin, how many times have you been arrested in Japan? And how many times have you left people in trouble?

2008/04/15 Arudou Debito

Arudou Debito
Mr Arudou, there are right and wrong descriptions about the arrest in Japan in this post. Do you have no intention to correct the wrong parts and hate-speech in it?

The comment has been blocked


04/14(2) Arudou Debito Idubor イドゥボ氏のケース

Arudou Debito

The comment has been blocked
Idubor イドゥボ氏裁判

1. ponta Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
April 14th, 2008 at 4:50 pm

Mr Idubor
People know your claim that the police made up the story. But the point is you are claiming the court is also deceiving people.
You see, there are cases of wrong conviction in which the accused was tricked to sign the document. But the accused tells the truth in the court and the court examines if there was a trick involved. That is the way the wrong conviction comes out. But in your case, either you admitted in the court you molested the woman or the court ignored your claim without giving reasons in the court text. In case of the latter, that is such a serious err on the part of the court that Japanese media should report to the public. Mr Arudou didn’t report such a fatal violation of human right at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan on March 18, 2008. why?

Unfortunately it seems you chose the wrong person for help. Since Mr Arudou keep blocking my comment, and since I publicize it elsewhere in English and in Japanese, people know Mr Arudou and/or you have been covering up the important facts. Mr Arudou’s blog allows basically only anti-Japan comments. So what do people think they can hope from such a blog? People will think he is covering up the important comments because Mr Arudou just wants to make Japan look bad.

I am really sorry. But I hope your wife and your sister will explain your case fully in my blog so that people may know the truth.



Osayuwamen “Yuyu” Idubor
Osayuwamen “Yuyu” Idubor
Osayuwamen “Yuyu” Idubor


2008/04/14 Arudou Debito

Arudou Debito

The comment has been blocked

1. ponta Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
April 14th, 2008 at 2:18 am

Look,Mr Arudou, Mr Idubor is making a new claim that not only the police but the court is telling a lie.
If he denied in the court that he molested the accused in the car, the court was supposed to write that he denied it in the court text, but it didn’t.
Now I am not saying Mr Idubor is not telling the truth. I am asking why the court wrote the court text that was inconsistent with what the accused said if they were just trying to make Mr Idubor guilty. And I am asking why Mr Idubor and you have been keeping this story hidden from the public.
If what Mr Idubor said is true, the court is making a serious and fatal mistake which Japanese media should also report.
I wonder why Mr Arudou didn’t mention it at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan on March 18, 2008.
People will think you must keep it covered up because you or/and Mr Idbor need to hide some important truth. That will make Mr Idbuor more dubious and disadvantageous. So please let the reader know the truth and give Mr Idbor an opportunity to explain.


2008/04/13 Arudou Debito blog 投稿

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1. ponta Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
April 13th, 2008 at 2:08 pm

Mr Idubor
According to your letter, you didn’t rape the accuses in the shop, and you said you didn’t molested the accuser in the car though the court text said that you said so.
So the police and the court made the story up.
Why didn’t you say that in the court?
Why Debito and you have been keeping the information secret?;Debito hasn’t mentioned it in the blog, and he keeps blocking my comment.
And I wonder why the hell the police made up the story that was inconsistent with the accuser’s story if they wanted to make you guilty?
Don’t get me wrong; I’ll read the court text with a grain of salt just as I read your letter with a grain of salt. I just want to see justice.
The more Debito covers up the facts, the more your case looks dubious.
Notice your case is getting less and less attention because people know Mr Arudou covers up the facts for you.


2008年4月12日 Arudou Debito


The comment has been blocked
two of the five justices on the panel said the detention was the result of flaws in the Criminal Procedure Law and the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Law.

Japanese justices on the panel think that was a problem, and therefore Asashi reported it. It is fair unlike Mr Arudou, who covers up the important facts about the rape case.

Let’s launch a series on the Debito.org Blog on how fucked up Japan’s judiciary is–

Accusing the Japanese judicial system in general because of its problem with a part of the system is verging on racism, isn’t it?


2008/04/09 Debito Arudou 投稿

The comment has been blocked

Hi Blog. Here’s another article for the debate bonfire.

Mr Arudou, a debate is an exchange of opinions and it is not a debate if you suppress opposing opinions and only allow comments that is convenient to your agenda as you have been doing.
And just stop discriminating Japanese people like me and Japanese language.

4月9日 有道氏ブログ投稿 Debito Arudou

GOJ should do something about this obligation to carry this card at all the times. It is all too inconvenient.
If gaikokujin does not carry the card on the spot, there is some other way to identify him/her. In this sense, this obligation is unnecessary.
By the way I am a native Japanese. Don’t discriminate native Japanese.
Mr josiah
Your comment is a just speculation without ground.

The comment has been blocked


4月6日 有道氏ブログ投稿 Arudou Debito

The comment has been blocked

the GOJ wants to issue Japanese language tests for long-term NJ visa renewals, yet protests when Great Britain proposes the same.

It is a simple logical mistake;the subject of the first article is "The Foreign and Justice ministries" and the subject of the second article is "The Japanese community in Britain " so it does not follow, contra Mr Debito,
We Japanese can treat our gaijin any way we like. But don’t you foreign countries dare do the same thing to members of Team Japan

It is quite simple.
A(GOJ) says P
B(Japanese community in England) says not P.
It does not follow that
C(We Japanese ) says P and not P
It is your purpose that you leave the impression like what your conclusion says on English speaking readers?

And could you stop using "We Japanese" by which western people often insult Japanese by imitating some Japanese.


2008/04/05 Debito Arudou


Bona fide racists and paranoid shopkeepers exist out there, as they do in any society. They will not accept people under any terms who, in their eyes, look or will potentially act “different.”

Well said, Mr Arudou, there are people who will not accept people under any terms who in their eyes, look or will potentially act "different" and they are racist.
By the way you haven't accepted my comment under any terms
The comment has been blocked


2008/04/04(2) Debito Arudou

Mr Arudou, You have blocked my comment again. Let's talk about it in public forum:I am willing to change my style if necessary.
Mr Arudou, Didn't it come to your mind that you want to get the right picture of Japan, or other perspectives on Japan across, after reading the article by Economist ? Are you just ignorant of Japanese judicial system or the judicial system of the U.S. , from where you came? Economist would not write an article the way it did this time if it was about the U.S. judicial system, which may be no better than Japan's.
The comment has been blocked

4月4日 Debito Arudou

Posted by debito on April 4th, 2008
This article sucks.
If there being cases that smack of false convictions in Japan means Japan's judicial system sucks, by the same logic, the U.S.judical system sucks even more.
Mr Arudou, if you want to criticize Japan's judicial system, why don't you cites article by Japanese which criticize it rather than citing the Economist article that smacks of despise on Asian people.
The comment has been blocked


2008/03/14 (2) ~ Arudou Debito

Wrote it in English.
Debito org
The comment has been blocked

Welcome sticker

Price: 0 yen per sticker, Just print it out.

I welcome J & NJ comments. I also welcome criticisms. That makes me diffrent from Debito

So far all of my comments have been blocked on Debito's blog.

2008/03/14 Debito Arudou

Great Idea.

I would like to give you certification to the effect.
Welcome Japanese,
Welcome criticisms
Welcome obejections.

But so far it seems I can't.
Don't act like a child, Mr Arudo.
If you refuse comments by Japanese like me, give us the reasons.

The comment has been blocked


2008/03/13 Debito Arudou

Debito org
Mr Arudou the crime in question is a murder in both cases you compared above. The accused defence in both cases is that it was done in self-defence. If the claim is valid the crime, murder does not hold. If it was done in self-defence but way he defends was excessive, the crime holds, but since it is an excessive defence, he will get the reduction in the sentence.In that sense in both cases lenience is expected.
Now, how does the two cases demonstrate NJ is treated unfairly?
The comment has been blocked


2008/03/10 ~ Debito Aridou

Debito org

Mr Aridou, first off , you say we have no law agasint racial descrimination, but we have the constitution 14 and civil code 90. It might be insufficient but it is not accurate that we don't have no law against racial descrimination.
I for one don't care about the UN security council member, but considering what China and Russia and other members, I don't see how what you are talking about is related to Japan's bid for the member. 
Mr Aridou, let's talk in an open forum about why you are rejcting my commnets and what you want to talk about and such.

The comment has been blocked


Mr Aridou keeps censhoring comments by Japanese ~ Debito

Debito org
Note the the last 3 lines have been deleted without notice.
And the comment to the effect that he should notify it when he deleted the part of the comment was also blocked.

Mr Aridou rejected an open discussion with Japanese ~ Debito

Debito org
Mr Aridou, it look a very interesting book. Can I buy it at Kinokunia in Shinjuku?
Mr Aridou, why do you keep blocking comments.
Le'ts start an open discussion.
The comment section is open.
The comment has been blocked.


3月7日(’2) 有道さんブログ投稿

Debito org

# ponta Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
March 7th, 2008 at 6:25 pm

『「第6 被告人の供述の検討
1 これに対し被告人は捜査段階及び公判廷において「・・・・走っている車のなかやMの家の前で停車しているときに、Fが私の陰茎を触ってので、私も彼女の陰部に指を入れるなどしました。セックスまではしていません。」』としています。15項
「Fと被告人は本件犯行j当日が初対面であることが一致して認められるところであり、・・・偽証罪の制裁のある旨注意を受けた公判廷において、ことさらに自己にとって恥辱的な内容を含む虚偽の供述をしたりしてまで、被告を罪に陥れる動機は全く認められrない」7項 としています。
Debito org
Mr Idubor
According to the court text Mr aridou uploaded,

No6 The examination of the testimony by the accused.
The accused under the investigation and the court stated " ・・・in the car on the way to and in front of the M's house....F started toughing my penis and so I poked my finger into her genital, we didn't go so far as to have sex." page 15

As for this, the accuser says,
" Supported by the accused, he had me sit at the front
seat. The accused said we were going to the hospital because I was too drunk.....
I went asleep and found myself in front of M's house."
page 5

And the judge says,
"It is agreed that F met the accused for the first time when the rape took place, ......the accuser was warned that she would be charged of perjury if she were to give false testimony. She does not have sufficient reason to put the accused into guilty by committing perjury and making statements that is insulting to herself."
page 7

How do you explain this?
Mr Aridou covered up these facts, but doing that would just make you more disadvantageous.
# ponta Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
March 7th, 2008 at 6:52 pm

Mr Idubor
Mr Aridou has just blocked my comment again.Regretable.
I'll publicize my comment elsewhere so his blocking will just make you more suspicious. Don't get me wrong,I don't
presuppose you are guilty. I just hope the justice will prevail over this case.
The comment has been blocked