
Mail address.

On Japan Probe, Kevin kindly told me how to abbreviate my mail address.


ponta_at_oocidentalism後八風どっと子どっと字絵ピ(it is ooc…before you ask me…
Comment by Kevin
2008-08-16 20:00:29

Ponta, your email abbreviation is getting more and more complicated. :) I recommend trying something less complicated like XYZ_be_yah_at_oo.co.jp (replace “_be_” with @, remove the “_at_”). This is still pretty cryptic but easy enough to understand for both English and Japanese speakers.
Your current abbreviation requires some pretty high level kanji recognition.

1 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Sorry about that, Ponta. I didn't see this post before I asked you about your email address. I wanted to ask you whether you thought that Debito knew that a children's book about Rosa Parks had been translated into Japanese. I saw it recently at the book section of Yamada Denki. What with his claims that Japanese are so racist, it was pretty interesting to have found that there.  

I also got a rather troubling comment by someone on my own blog recently who had never been to Japan, and was holding up Debito's blog as a banner of truth about how Japan thinks and operates! In that way, you are absolutely right that a lot of his prejudice does indeed spread the seed - worldwide - of hatred against Japanese. You're doing the right thing by trying to warn people. Unfortunately, he's not the only one.

He also lied recently in his most recent sensational claim (about the new gaijin cards) that foreigners whose spouses die will simply be kicked out of the country. Having read that and become alarmed, my husband and I made some phone calls, and if the proper procedures are followed, there's no way the foreign spouse of a deceased Japanese national will simply be thrown out of the country. I wish he would take some responsibility for the damage and fear he causes in others with his editorials. There should be a sign that says "For Entertainment Purposes Only."

Thanks for fighting the good fight, Ponta. It's a lonely road on English speaking blogs.