
2月26日 有道さんブログへの投稿~ Debito


10. ponta
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  1. “Because these students do not speak Japanese, some have had trouble fitting in with classmates, which has led to behavior problems or even crimes.”

    この文を問題にされているようですが、原文を有道さんがなぜか掲載がなく、わからないので、何ともいえませんが、日本語ができない場合、それがきっ かけに非行化する場合がある、ということで、外国人は非行化しやすい、といっているわけではありませんね。むしろ、非行化した外国人の少年が根っから悪い わけではなく、在日外国人のおかれた特殊な状況でそうなってしまう場合もあことがこの政策の有効な理由の一つなんだ、ということではないでしょうか?


It seems many people make an issue out of this sentence. For some reason, Mr Aridou didn't post the original text, so we can't talk conclusively , but the sentence probably means that when foreign students cannot speak Japanese, it might lead them to delinquency, not that foreign students are more likely to be led to delinquency. Rather delinquent foreign students are not bad by nature but the special circumstance by which they are bound might lead them to such a result, and that is one reason why this policy is effective--- isn't that what the sentence say?
Could you tell me how you took the sentence as implying that foreign students in particular are more prone to commit crimes?

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