
On a cloudy day in the autumn.

It was a cloudy day today. I walked from Ochanomizu to Akihabara.
I claimed that "I disagree with you that "this increased use of sun protection is a fairly recent trend, not really seen much 30 years ago". " A gaijin san claims that " they[parasols] have proliferated greatly in the past 10 years or so, basically all year round parasol use is across all age groups and not limited to summer He also claims that Even in the fashionable Ginza area with the 歩行者天国there is no sight of a parasol outside of the ones set up in the street. But
http://kr-aki.co.jp/material/a... 昭和15年6月22日です。6月でも、日差しが強かったのでしょう、日傘をさして、クラッチバックを抱えています http://d.hatena.ne.jp/images/d... . 「神中坂の夏」昭和31年(1956)8月 日傘をさしている女性 2人 http://panasonic.co.jp/rekishi... 1970年(昭和45) 右に大きな組み立て式日傘があるが、列の中の日傘はご婦人たちがさしているもの。
He adds, "Your old photos show a bit of something, but no crowds. " But
http://bp.kumanichi.com/photo/... 昭和15年11月 観覧先には日傘の花が咲いている。 The Stadium is filled with parasols like flowers.
http://www.japanprobe.com/2012/10/25/alastair-wanklyn-of-the-telegraph-claims-that-japanese-umbrella-use-is-due-to-radiation-fears/#comment-695967728 As for cloudy days, one of the big differences now is that people use parasols even when it is cloudy, see it all the time...UV is always with us http://www.japanprobe.com/2012/10/25/alastair-wanklyn-of-the-telegraph-claims-that-japanese-umbrella-use-is-due-to-radiation-fears/#comment-697618720 In fact, parasol use goes way down in the Fall, especially after the middle of October, probably because many sites in Japan say UV radiation drops off pretty steeply
適当なことばかりほざいている。 30年以上日本にいて、
http://www.japanprobe.com/2012/10/25/alastair-wanklyn-of-the-telegraph-claims-that-japanese-umbrella-use-is-due-to-radiation-fears/#comment-697524594 Well, I guess you just have a problem with basic English.

1 件のコメント:

Janus Tiles さんのコメント...

You mentioned your blog, so I thought I'd have a quick look.

...Wow, I sure am impressed by how nobody cares about your posts. What a loser.

I also like how you failed at making your point about Mad Dog not coming here to continue the "tiresome debate" because he can't read Japanese. Were you aware that you typed up plenty in English?....Yeah....

You might just have to face the fact that when you start being a sperg (know what that is? Try looking up マイペース for a clue), rational people go back to living their lives while you keep on mumbling to yourself.