
Why not translate?

Yahoo News: 政府の世論調査: 外国人客増、5割強が「不安」GOJ survey: More than 50% fear NJ tourist influx

Johnny Says:
November 25th, 2008 at 7:27 pm

Obviously it’s not clear to the masses here that more tourists equals more money and more jobs for Japanese.

It does seem here that the government has once again asked a loaded question, and got the answer they wanted.

Actually, the article does say that 51% of the Japanese feel that the increase in gaijin tourists facilitates international communication/understanding, and 40% of the Japanese think that it activates the local economy.

It is just that Debito and Dave Spector do not want gai(koku)jin to know that aspect of the Japanese opinion.
They didn't translate the part and Debito didn't answer your comment.

1 件のコメント:

mike さんのコメント...

Hi Pontas

Thank you for this site. It is much needed. I really think Debito is dangerous.